Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Pskov bridges need reconstruction

Three Pskov bridges need reconstruction experts say. As city authorities detailed these bridges are Trinity bridge, Alexander Nevsky bridge and 50th October aniversary bridge.

Svyatoslav Peedoost paid a special attention on Trinity bridge. He said that reconstruction needed for right bank pier. Asked about danger level he answered, "as a builder I can assure you that it will not fall, no need to panic but obviously the reconstruction needed". He also said that a "special man" checks piers and compares them to previous data.

Partial reconstruction is needed for Alexander Nevsky bridge also. It is made of steel so should be protected from water. This can be done with special cover needed now. The bridge of 50th October aniversary needs total reconstruction.

"All the problem as you understand is the lack of money for road repair", Peedoost explained.

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