Monday, October 23, 2006


150 children from Pskov, Ostrov and Nevel will get hygienic sets from Red Cross

In course of "Youth is beautiful!" action Pskov regional department of Red Cross started to distribute hygienic stuff for disabled children. As the Head of the board Petr Vasilevsky told to PIA, during this week 150 children participating in the project "World of conversation and hope" of Pskov, Ostrov and Nevel will get hygienic sets.

The set costed 67 rubles contains child shampoo, tooth brush, toilet soap and bast whisp. Total summ will be more than 10 thousand rubles. The same help got 200 children from poor and not well families in Ostrov last week. The main task of this action is to let know children the healthy lifestyle and get them used to personla hygiene.

In terms of "World of conversation and hope" project elder children spend practical trainings for smaller children where they teach them how to care about their face skin, hands, legs and nails. Youths with help of adults created two booklets.

Petr Vasilevsky also told that every week in October thematical healthy lessons are spent where adults tell about day regime, child body cosistence and what the health is. For younger children thematical games are organised like "How beautiful is all around", "Prohibited - allowed" and others. Since May 36 health lessons are spent which 136 children participated in.

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