Monday, October 30, 2006


17 people died in Pskov of alcohol poisoning

The amount of died people of illegal alcohol reached 17, as Chief doctor of "Hygiene and epidemic centre of Pskov region" Sergey Nikiforov said to PIA. From the moment of beginning of "substitute epidemic" regional hospitals had got 487 calls for medical help, 427 of callers had been hospitalized. 320 patients are now being cured.

Suffered people's conditon is not getting better, since the moment of substitute drinking till doctor call from 2 days to 3 weeks could have had passed. Chief doctor also noticed that nowadays we have no a case of poisoning of drinks bought in legal shops. he also put an accent on that the toxic hepatitis is not contagious since it is not an infection.

Police reports that 1500 litres of illegal alcohol were seized on 27 October, 380 litres on 28 October, and 860 litres on 29 October.

On 20 October an emergency situtaion was claimed in Pskov city, later on the same was claimed for the whole region on 25 October. City and regional commisions were set up for stopping the alcohol poisoning.

First poisoned were registered in the beginning of September. Toxic hepatytis destroys the liver and then all the rest of body systems. It's almost uncurable. Even after crisis gone the follow ups leave for all lifetime. First poisoning symptoms appear in 10 days as hepatytis. Cure course lasts for 21 day and costs 20-25 thousand of rubles.

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