Monday, October 16, 2006


19 poachers are caught

19 poachers were caught during the weekend (14 and 15 October). As the Head of haunting inspection division of Rosselhoznadzor in Pskov region Sergey Ivanov reported to PIA, all breakers had no proper papers and licenses.

3 poachers were caught in Gdov district, 2 in Velikie Luki district, 1 in Nevel, 1 in Dno, 5 in Pushkinskie Gory, 4 in Pskov district and 3 in Opochka.

During the last 9 months inspectors investigated 635 haunting rules breaks. Most of them 266 were registered in Pskov district, 80 in Velikie Luki, 66 in Dno, 59 in Gdov, 39 in Nevel, 62 in Opochka and 63 in Pushkinskie Gory.

13 criminal cases were initiated. Breakers were imposed to fine of total summ 146400 rubles, 128600 rubles are already paid.

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