Tuesday, October 03, 2006


All schools will be financed per capita before end of the year

Before the end of 2006 all schools will turn to another system of financing - normative per capita. New system supposed to get rid off mutual tariff and expected to rely on a quantity of pupils in the school. As a Minister of Education Andrey Fursenko said on his press-conference on 2nd October "Nowadays one of a tasks of modern education is to budget schools on per capita principle, i.e. the more pupils are in the school the more money should be given for development of this educational body".

New budgeting scheme is a big problem because there are so many incomplete secondary schools that will be self liquidated going new way, the reporter of PIA was said in Pskov Education University. "Let's take a good country-side family with a school age child. If a local school will be closed parents will not want their child to pass a long way to a bigger distant school, irregular eating and other difficulties - the family will move to a bigger living places. This will result villages to die" University authorities say.

On the other hand rural area schools have a lot of low rate professional teachers who are made working with a small amount of pupils and have to teach many disciplines at the same time. And the study process is getting complicated because teachers have to run their own household plots and cattle. Dying schools will "bring to grave" this negative factors.

Some schools with 1-2 pupils were already closed in Pskov region in 2005, and 50 educational bodies were restructurised. Secondary schools turned to main, then main turned to primary and primary schools merged with kinder-gardens. Secondary bodies starve of 30-40% lack of budgeting now in Russia as to normatives.

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