Friday, October 06, 2006


"Central market" and "Slavonic bazaar" directors claim they support farmers

In the harvesting period directors of Pskov city market places face to farmers but do not forget about commercial interest. As the director of "Central market" Alexander Alexeev told to PIA there are special trading places all year long provided for farmers, but not for free as it is recommended by a Consumption and services committee. A special discount is made that makes farmers pay only 20-30 rubles a day for the place that "is quite acceptable for middle size farms" Alexeev said.

Almost the same situation is at "Slavonic bazaar". Director of this enterprise told that "payment fees for trading places for farmers are made small, such places are proposed only during the harvesting period unlike of "Central market" where they provide places during all the year. But if a farmer proves that he is an original producer then he gets place for free. It's often detected on quantity of products by gutts feeling", director said. He says that it's not a problem to sell local farmer products in Pskov region. "We are not Moscow" Mr. Zhukov argues.

Let us remind that all market places of Pskov city had got recommedation letters on 11 August asking to provide not less than 15 trade places for free for farmers due to harvesting on period from 15 August till 1 November 2006. Such letters are sent annualy.

On 6 October Mr. President Putin requested governors to make special arrangements for trade improvements on the markets in order to protect interests of russian producers and russian cictizens. "There is only one word to describe the situation on the markets sometimes - chaos", Putin said.

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