Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Emergency state is called due to mass alcohol poisoning

On 25 October security commission of Pskov region administration stated an emergency situation on the territory of Pskov region. As an assistant of the Head of Pskov region department of the Russian Emergency Minisitry Elena Samuilova told to PIA, this decision is made due to high alcohol poisoning cases growth that lead to 15 deaths and for citizens health sake.

An operational group for control and poisoning liqudation is set up. Special order is signed by the first vice-governor Igor Maksimov.

13 poisoning cases each in Pskov city and Opochka were registered last day. Toxic hepatytis diagnosed to 442 people already. From the beginning of "substitute epidemic" 15 people died, 9 of them in Pskov.

First poisoned were registered in the beginning of September. On 20 October an emergency situtaion was claimed in Pskov city. City and regional commisions are set up for stopping the alcohol poisoning. Toxic hepatytis destroys the liver and then all the rest of body systems. It's almost uncurable. Even after crisis gone the follow ups leave for all lifetime. First poisoning symptoms appear in 10 days as hepatytis. Cure course lasts for 21 day and costs 20-25 thousand of rubles.

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