Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Join operation of Belorussian and Pskov frontier guards revealed 4 tonns meat contraband

Pskov regional frontier office of FSB together with State Committee of frontier guards of Belarus spent operation "Barrier-2006" on the mutual border part. As major officer of public relation departnment Tatiana Goncharenko reported to PIA, 2 minibuses were detained that transported 4 tonns of meat for Pskov region citizens without custom clearance. Cargo is detained and passed to Polozk custom direction.

During the operation 157 patrols were placed, 3 of them included FSB officers, 23 included federal custom service officers and 2 included people militia.

Frontier guards spent demonstrative actions on border breakers at Pytalovo district - 4 intruders were caught and 8 breakers.

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