Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Massive illegal alcohol poisoning in Pskov

Massive poisoning in Pskov city was caused by illegal alcohol manufacturing. As a city hospital authorities said to PIA, poisoned citizens requesting for help everyday. "Therapy wards are overcrowded, even corridors are full of people" they say. 2 persons are being reanimated at the moment. As doctors say one of them will probably die, the second is getting better.

It's said that Pskovites are poisoned of hepatotoxical substance. It atacks liver and then all other systems of a body. Death is following as a result or a man inherits many complications. "Most of pisoned people are heavy drinkers" specialists say.

The reason of mass poisoning is illegal alcohol that bought from private manufacturers. "They often use methyl that is extremely dangerous for living. But even with ethyl spirit poisoning is available since it contains many chemical substances. Our laboratory can not even determine them all" doctors reported.

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