Monday, October 23, 2006


Ostrov researchers found remains of soviet soldier at Rozhanka

On Saturday, 21 October in Ostrov district of Pskov region researchers found the remains of a soldier perished during the WWII. As local lore museum director Petr Grinchuk told to PIA, the search team of 9 people made excavations at Rozhanka village that was an important point of german defense line "Panter". In his words 28 soldiers were found and buried till nowadays. The 29th soldier remains were found in a small row near german bunker. Only orthodox cross had kept of personal belongings.
As Petr Grinchuk noticed, Ostrov museum filled with new interesting exhibits after this research. "In a half fallen Hitler bunker was quite good german stove found which still had a box of matches inside. Dryer for mushrooms and other food was placed near as well. All exhibits will take their place in the one of the biggest expositions of North-West Russia - in Ostrov museum", museum director said.

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