Monday, October 16, 2006


President Putin appointed new judge of Pskov city court

Viktor Murin is appointed a federal judge of Pskov city court. President of Russia Putin signed an order for Murin's 3 year appointment. Viktor Murin will come into service on 1 of November, as it was told to PIA in Staff and workflow office of Law Department Management of Pskov region.

Viktor Alexandrovich Murin was born 5 July 1963, graduated from Pskov pedagogical institute in 1987, and from Moscow state juridical academy in 1995.

Since 1987 till 1988 he teached in secondary school #26 in Novorzhev district. In 1988 he was appointed the second secretary and the head of propaganda division in Komsomol of Novorzhev district. Served in the Soviet Army from 1989 till 1990. In 1990 was hired as a juridical consultant and then as a head of juridical department of Pskov radio detail plant. Since 1994 till 1996 worked as a juridical consultant in "Northern trade bank", and next year - in "German" company.

Since 1997 till 2002 he was a member of Pskov region advocate league. Since March 2002 worked as a judge of Peace in Pskov city.

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