Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Professional boxer Valery Brudov from Pskov will spend qualification fight in Saint-Petersburg

Pskov professional boxer Valery Brudov will spend a fight in casino "Gigant-Hall" in Saint-Petersburg on 12 October. This will be a qualification 8 round fight, he said to PIA. Valery does not know the name of his opponent yet. But as official site of Russian professional boxing federation reports Valery will fight with Ali Ismailov.

Pskov boxer said that he had been preparing for this fight in Pskov, Saint-Petersburg and Urupinsk (Volgograd region). "We were very welcome in Urupinsk. There was a hang made outdoor and under it was a ring organised. There was a good weather and we were training in a fresh air almost under clear sky", sportsmen said. One more Pskov boxer was training in Urupinsk, he said - it was Andrey Bogdanov.

Pskov native boxer Brudov has 31 victories (23 of them are knock-outs) and 1 defeat. He lost a fight for WBA version of World Champion with Virgil Hill on 27 January in Atlantic city (USA). The difference in score points was minimal -118:110.

Valery Brudov fights in weight of 90,72 kg. Last fight he won on 15 July in Cannes (France) that lasted 8 rounds with Alexey Kosobokov from Latvia.

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