Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Pskov "Optimists" open joint project "Friendship: Estonia, Latvia, Pskov"

Sport club fo disabled people "Optimist" will go to Latvia and Estonia for opening a joint project called "Friendship: Estonia, Latvia, Pskov". The opening will happen on 27 October as a sport festival, as club director Galina Sorokina said to PIA. Sports and cultural programmes are included. "It's mainly not for sports but to let people meet and conversate", she said.

16 people will represent Pskov region ib Baltic states. Best young sportsmen among them. Participants will compete in darts, basket ball throwing, ping-pong and ball hitting. "We also proposed to find the best one in arm wrestling", Sorokina told. Disco party, restaurant dinner and excursions are organised as well.

Let us remind that there will be chess championate held among disabled people of Pskov on 23-26 of October. "Optimist" members will take part in this also. The winner will be chosen of 40 participants.

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