Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Pskov region budget will increase on 2 milliards of rubles

Pskov region budget will increase on 2 milliards of rubles next year. It will consist 12 milliards of rubles in total consolidated, as a press-centre of Pskov region administration reported refering to the Head of Main State financial office Tatiana Barinova to PIA. As she said all works for budget setting are coming to final stage. All budget respondents applied and eveery request is checked by office specialists.

Some lines are not ready because there are no some control numbers for the region before second budget hearing in Duma. "As in previous years the budget will be balanced, it requires more clear structure and transparency", Barinova noted. Moreover Barinova says the budget project will be more easy to fulfil and more perspective from the point of view of development.

It was previously reported that consolidated budget for 2007 is expected to have no deficit. Revenues should grow of own incomes. Specialists foresee transportation tax payments to grow. But still it was noted that Pskov region would have stayed a dotated region.

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