Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Pskov region has got one more vice-governor

Pskov region has got one more vice-governor. As press-service of Pskov region administration reports to PIA, on 1 November the Chairman of Committee of investments and strategical development Alexey Saprikin becomes the vice-governor.

Alexey Saprikin becomes the vice-governor "up till the moment of new governor comes into power with a test period of 6 months", as official web-site reports. The governor of Pskov region Mikhail Kuznetsov signed the proper order on 27 October.

Before come into power governor Kuznetsov promissed in public to cut the quantity of authority staff. On the press-conference on 21 December, 2004 he said that administrative reform will consist of "considerable reduction of personnel" of power bodies. "The quantity of vice-governors will be 1,5 times less", he assured. He also said that this work will be hold during many months. Previous administration had 11 vice-governors. Saprikin has become the 9th vice-governor.

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