Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Pskov region will take part in Russian north-west presentation in China

A presentation of regions of north-west Russia will be held on 18-21 October in China. Delegation lead by President's representative Ilya Klebanov consists of some governors, industrial enterprises directors, heads of scientific and tourist centres. Pskov region will be represented by vice-governor Viktor Gitin (who is the head of Pskov region representation office in Moscow) and Head of Economical development and property management department of Pskov region administration Vadim Petruhin.

During North-West region (NWR) days there will be an exposition shown, "Investment potential of NWR" economic phorum held and a business-conference "Forming the investment climate for chinese projects", meetings in ministries of China are planned as well. Russian delegation will visit techno-park, car factory, silk and pearl manufacturies. Moreover there will be introduction to the principles of free economic zone and certification system of China.

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