Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Socio-economical situation in Pskov region is one of most problematic

"Socio-political situation in Pskov region is quite difficult and probably one of most problematic in North-West Russia", said to PIA Economics Doctor, leading scientific specialist of Regional problems institute of Russian Scientific Academy, director of transboundary researches centre of Saint-Petersburg State University Nikolay Mezhevich.

Deeply in details he analysed situations in all regions of North-West Russia. Murmansk region survives because of port and fleet, Republic of Karelia has forests and trades with Finlandia, big company of "Severstal" works in Vologda region, republic of Komi expolits oil, gas, forests, coal, they have paper production developed, Nenetsky autonomy is also rich in oil, and Saint-Petersburg has capital functions.

"Leningrad oblast made a big step while Serdukov governed they made big investments to come for example from USA, and it has a good geographical position. Novgorod region is also well located - Saint-Petersburg and Moscow are near. And they don't have natural resources as well as Pskov, but Novgorod region is the first in the list of amount of investments per capita in Russia. So called "Prusal model" works there. Prusak actively used the begining of 90s, he was like a younger brother of Luzhkov. He showed that they have developed infrustructure and don't have big political conflicts, then investments have come. Pskov region is last in this row", Nikolay Mezhevich said.

Commenting the reasons he said, "it's an influence of relations with Estonia and Latvia, they are difficult. Forest industry is developing, Estonia is interested but it makes harder because of inter-state relations. Pskov region has no foreign investments, but there is a possibility for building big enterprises. Any big enterprise requires lands, and this is what Pskov region has. And roads connecting Russia and West should play a positive role too".

As Nikolay Mezhevich thinks it must be governor and his team who should attract investments, "Almost 30% depends on the character of governor's personality and almost the same share depends on how he and his team work for regional positive investment image".

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