Wednesday, November 01, 2006


20 alcohol poisoned people addressed to hospitals last day

20 alcohol poisoned people addressed to hospitals last day, as Chief doctor of "Hygiene and epidemic centre of Pskov region" Sergey Nikiforov said to PIA on the press-conference devoted to mass alcohol poisoning on 1 November. He also said that 336 patients are now being cured. 19 people have died for now.

Most of toxic hepatitis sufferers registered in Pskov city, Opochka, Krasnogorodsk, Bezhanitsy, Pskov and Pitalovo districts. 90% are unemployed and heavy drunkers, 5% are homeless and other 5% are wealthy citizens. Nikiforov also marked that fact, that "toxic hepatitis destroys liver, kidneys and lungs, this means that literally in some months these people will die".

He also noticed a heroic work of doctors and medical staff "who tries to save patients while they manage to find illegal alcohol in the hospital and get drunk again, stealing every thing around".

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