Thursday, November 30, 2006


70 Pskov families expected to improve their accomodation conditions

It is planned that 60-70 families will change their ramshackle accomodation for new falts in Pskov in 2007. As an advisor of Pskov city mayor Eugeny Samuilov told PIA, the municipality actively discuss this problem with building investors.

Eugeny Samuilov told that in every case future usage of old houses is discussed and all variants from complete destroy to re-construction. This work is done to avoid architecturaly improper houses and shops to be built in historical centre of the city.

4 contracts are already signed with investors for now, 9 more are coming up.

"City suffers of ramshackle houses crowded in the centre for long years. We resettle 20-25 families every year. This year it was mayor initiative to solve the problem with the help of investors. We have positive results so far", Samuilov noted.

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