Sunday, November 05, 2006


Almost 1 tonn of alcohol substitutes found in the garage

Almost 1 tonn of alcohol containig liquid was found in Pskov city in garage. As it was reported to PIA by a press-service of Pskov region police department this was found after research made by staff of Economical crimes department.
Garage owner Nikolay Vladimirovich Starostin, 38 year old was caught while loading his Toyota.
While searching on the place it was found almost 1 tonn of alcohol containing liquid, it was dozen in 5-litres canisters with "Anti-freeze" labels. A part of liquid had brown colour and also was dozen into bottles of different maufacturers and brands. Big amount of caps and counterfeit tax marks of old type were found as well. Among sustitute unregistered riffle was found.
Arrested is under interrogation for a moment in the Office of Public Prosecutor. His violation can be treated as paragraph 238 of Russian Criminal Codex (production, keeping, transportation or distribution of products breaking the safety rules). The penalty can reach imprisonment for 10 years.

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