Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Chinese paratroopers visited Pskov's 76th airborne division

Delegation of 6 officers and 1 general of China army 15th airborne corps arrived to Pskov city on 14 November. As information procurement assistant of Commander of 76th airborne division Ruslan Kompanets told to PIA, the main goal of chinese delegation is to become known with combat training of Pskov airbornes. On 14 November visitors honoured airbornes of 6th company perished at Argun gorge (Chechnya) on 1 March 2000.

The delegation visited museum of Cherekha regiment, learning centre and mess-room. As Kompanets said, during the meeting chinese officers estimated very high the deed of 6th company, noting that "it is the real history that all coming generations should know". Guests have also expressed a special gratefulness to Commander for a warm greeting and told that they have something to learn from 76th division.

Today they have visited Pechory monastery and met superior Tikhon. On 15 November chinese general and officers will attend combat excercises. Kompanets also added that it was the first visit of chinese airbornes to Pskov. Before it they met during mutual excercises in China in 2005.

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