Sunday, November 19, 2006


Ekaterina Noskova became "Miss Pskov 2006"

22 year old Ekaterina Noskova won the Pskov city beauty contest, as PIA reporter informs. He was gifted with a journey to Prague. Eleonora Razumova won the title of "1st vice-miss" and "Public honour" and was gifted with TVset. Yana Kashoora won the 3rd place with the title of "2nd vice-miss" and got a music hi-fi system.

Final show tool place on 17 November in the Giant Hall "Parohod" in Pskov city.
Show began with collective dancing. After that participants had to present themselves in distinctive way. They read verses, told stories, etc.
Another section included fitness with yoga, aerobics and latino elements. After group show each participant executed solo programme of sport elements finished with bikini demonstration.

The board consisted of 5 members had to knock out 10 girls but did only 9 so half-final had 11 pskovites. The last stage contained artistic competition. In most cases there were dancing or singing. One of the girls demonstrated artistic striptease programme and unveiled till shorts and top.
The board allocated 11 nominations and one more title was put in - "Pskov hope" - got by youngest participants. Nataliya Balaban became the Most Charmy girl. Ksenia Egorova became Niss Elegance. Olesya Utko bacame "Miss Enchantment - 2006". Maria Sopina demonstrated her grace. Ekaterina Davidova became super model of the evening.

All girls got special prizes like cosmetic and lingerie vouchers, digital photo camera, mp3 player and DVD-player.

All photos you can see here -

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