Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Massive migration from Pskov region is observed

As state statistic says the massive migration out of Pskov region is observed in 2006. In 2005 first for many years amount of outcoming inhabitants became bigger than those who came in. In 2000 incoming migration counted 899 people, in 2002 - 641 people, in 2003 - 1088 people. In 2004 this amount decreased to 74 people. In 2005 Pskov region lost 642 inhabitants.

This was the first time also in 2005 when decrease was monitored in Pskov city. Quantity of citizens decreased on 1515. The difference between incoming and outcoming in 2004 was positive and was equal to 534 people, in 2003 there were less of them - 116, and in 2000 migration income made 514 new citizens.

Natural population decreasing also influenced. A share of 24,5 people dead comprised for every 1000 of living poplulation in 2005, and only 8,8 were born for every 1000. In 2003 the natural growth comprised 9 people, in 2004 - only 9,1. As for 1 January 2006 constant living population counted 724600 people in Pskov region, 237900 of them were from rural areas.

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