Saturday, November 11, 2006


"Miss Pskov 2006" to become known on 17 November

Miss Pskov-2006 contest to be finished on 17 November, as it was told by art-director Nikolay Korolev to PIA. 20 girls will participate in final show.

For a moment girls are trained for dancing, actor playing, scene walk and proper talking. Fitness trainings and tan procedures are passed as well. Girls have alrady made a decision for their make-up, hair-cut and evening dresses.

They have already prepared their final show turns which they drill everyday. "Some of turns are banal, there is nothing to do with this, and some are primitively naive but have a charm", Korolev commented. He noticed that this year they have not just beautiful girls but versatile, "who clearly understand that it's not enough to have a good body to become Miss Pskov".

In spite of traditional nominations there will be some other presented. Viewers will define the best girl on their own, and sponsors - on their own. Moreover every sponsor company will choose its beauty. All in all 11 winners will be called.

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