Monday, November 13, 2006


New law on public meetings is an attempt to suppress dissidents, trade-unions say

"It's no good for the present region administration with governor Mikhail Kuznetsov when opposition demonstrates their disagreement with official policy. New law is nothing but an attempt to suppress dissidents", claimed in his interview to PIA the vice-chairman of Pskov region trade union soviet Viktor Ivanov. In his commentary to the new law on "Order of notification about public meeting in Pskov region" passed on 62nd session of regional parliament he pointed that this law breakes paragraph 31 of Russian constitution.

"There is literally 3 lines about citizens are allowed to gather without any limitations. But notification procedure blocks this constitutional right", Ivanov added. He also said that he was against "throwing in the notorious law" into parliament on 10th November, but deputies did not support his initiative to exclude this law from discussion. As Ivanov thinks regional administration demonstrated "ugly methods of bringing law to primitive condition".

He also said the trade unions will delegate their jurist representative to working group. Viktor Ivanov himself is going to participate in committee of conference work with his advisory vote. "Hope that sensible forces will influence on result of passing in second reading. But it is truly noted that amendments table is a profanation. Everyone knows who owns the majority in parliament. It's enough to remember last session, what happened in the break. Say it straight it was a disgusting picture. To play such show at the end of election period! Unsolid!", he ended.

This law was initiated by Pskov region administration and passed to Pskov region parliament during October session. The project bred an active discussion and was rejected. On the next session on 10 November this law missed 1 vote to pass. But after the break deputy Andrey Bukin asked to discuss it again. Revoting was succesfull and the law was approved.

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