Saturday, November 11, 2006


Olga bridge in Pskov became 95

On 11 of November 2006 Olga bridge in Pskov city became 95 years old, as press-service of Pskov administration reports to PIA.
For ages this place had ferry crossing. In 1463 when inruder threats became lighter pskovites decided to built a balk bridge across Velikaya river. The bridge was uncomfortable, had a poor design but remained untill 19 century. The bridge consisted of 3 balk rafts connected with each other and covered with solid planks. It was moved apart for 3 hours to pass ships and barges every night. For this strict rule Tuvalovich's pottery factory has burned in 1897 placed on the left bank of the river. The bridge was moved apart for the moment anf fire brigade had nothing to do but stay and watch the fire from the other river bank.

Since 1870 pskovites were asking government for more than 30 years to build a solid bridge and only in 1908 the order was signed and in three years (1911) the bridge was finished. Capital artists developed decorations for it and adornment towers in oriental style caused a lot of bad taste accusations but everything settled down later and citizens got used to them.
The present bridge was built in 1970. And it was exploded 3 times before in 1919, 1941 and 1944.

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