Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Pskov Duma proposed to low tax rate for children goods trade

Budget and tax committee of Pskov city Duma supported an introduction of correcting coefficient of basic revenue, accounting a range of goods, as it was reported in press-service of Duma. It was specialy introduced for children goods.

There have been a lot of requests to define this type of trade and make more favourable conditions for it, but toys is not included in the list. The Chairman of the committee Viktor Tolstykh told that amendments based on Novgorod experience where they having been apllied already for some years.

The volume of imputed tax for some types of trade in 2006 Pskov city budget comprises 15,1% of total income. Pskov gets 90% of this tax gathered in city.

The proposal will be passed to next Duma session for approval.

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