Saturday, November 11, 2006


Pskov porn maker convicted for 1 year in prison

29 year old Pskov citizen comdemned to 1 year of prison and put a fine of 50.000 rubles for ditributing porn over Internet. As it was told to PIA in Prosecution Office of Pskov city pornmaker was found guilty for breaking paragraphs 242 (illegal porn production with aim to distribute and advertising) and 174 of Russian criminal code ("money washing"). But the court stated this as suspended sentence with probation period of 6 months.

It was also told in Prosecution Office that there were seized by court's decision 5 computers, 5 web-cameras, 2 video cameras, 7 electric lightings and 2 LCD. There were also confiscated all the money earned by this home made porn production, wash machine, furniture and microwave oven. Confiscated dildos, erotic dresses and 11 CDs with video will be destroyed.

As reported earlier porn studio was located in a rented apartments on Bastionnaya street in Pskov city since 2005 till February, 2006. Student girls were participating in video making. And the convicted broadcasted sexual acts over Internet. Web-site had a paid access. Most of users were foreigners and used the service abroad Russia. Porn maker managed to earn more than 1,5 million of rubles.

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