Thursday, November 16, 2006


Pskov youth whiped estonians on the border

On 16 November activists of youth "First border" movement spent an action of protest on the Russian-Estonian border (near Kunichina Gora custom control point) against discussion in estonian parliament the initiative of destroying monuments to soviet WWII soldiers. As the Chairman of the movement Sergey Anisimov told to PIA, during the show estonians with national flag coloured faces attacked an extemporaneous soviet soldier's monument with battering ram. Movement members protected it and whiped intruders for their attempt.

About 100 youths gathered for the action and voted against the estonian law on soviet soldiers monument destroy. They came forward under Russian flags, movement flags and a banner with words "We are heirs of a Great Victory" shouting out sloganes "Soviet soldier did not perish for SS veteran feast on his bones!" and "We will not forget how you sold the memory and deeds of our country!".

Inscription on the banner: We are heirs of a Great Victory!

While action took place activists glued pictures of Soviet soldier monument in Tallinn on estonian cars, with words "Memory is sacred!". Meeting ended up with singing "The Holy war" song. Russian and estonian frontier guards were observing all the show.

"We want people in Russia and Estonia to think on what is going on", Anisimov said. He called this law blasphemous.

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