Sunday, November 05, 2006


Pskovites started to get married after 25 more often

Pskovites started to get married after 25 more often. As the Head deputy of civil record service of Pskov district Olga Dmitrieva told to PIA, mainly it were couples of 18-24 earlier, but now it's 25-34. "We observer a clear tendency that people get married in more mature age, seems like they making more conscious desision. But at the same time many couples who celebrate their 50 anniversary say that they got married literaly in some days after first meeting", Olga Dmitrieva noticed.

162 mariges were registered in October that is on 13 less than the month last year. 1709 couples married from the beggining of the year, last year it was 1616 couples for the 1 of November.

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