Wednesday, November 01, 2006


"PskovPassengerAutoTrans" fined for half a million rubles

Pskov region office of anti-monopolistic service of Russia found state owned eneterprise "PskovPassengerAutoTrans" breaking the anti-monopoly law. As it was reported to PIA by service, the enterprise was fined for a half a million rubles for breaking the 2nd paragraph of 18th article of "On competition and monopoly restriction on the product markets" federal law.

According to order of State property management committee of Pskov region administration "PskovPassengerAutoTrans" in December 2005 has got fixed assets prevoiusly belonged to independent juridical bodies from the different districts of Pskov region. The enterprise got more than 10% of fixed assets of Strugi Krasnye, Gdov, Pustoshka, Bezhanitsy and Dno district transport companies. And no preliminary anti-monopolistic service' agreement was received before it.

All companies mentioned above are included in the Registry of monopolistic companies of Pskov region. According to law "PskovPassengerAutoTrans" should had have got a preliminary agreement from anti-monopolistic service for getting assets.

The office of anti-monopolistic service also added that their fine can be appealed in court.

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