Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Unemployment has raised in 9 districts of Pskov region

According to data gathered from beginning of 2006 to 1 November unemployment has rised in 9 districts of Pskov region. As the head of employment programmes and job market department of Federal employment service Tatiana Sharabura reported to PIA, the highest growth rate is observed in Gdov district (32%), Pechory district (26%) and Porhov (20%).

Totally 10156 unemployed people were registered by the service for 1 November that comprises 2,7% of economicaly active population (EAP) of Pskov region. The highest unemployment is monitored in Krasnogorodsk district (6,9% of EAP), Novorzhev district (6% of EAP) and Kunja (5,7% of EAP). The lowest rate is fixed in Pskov city (0,7% of EAP), Ostrov district (0,8%) and Dno district (1%).

For the beginning of November 3951 job vacancies were registered with 2,7 pretendants for every vacancy on average. Pitalovo district has 44 unemployed for one vacancy, Usvyaty district has 34 and Kunja district has 31.

For 10 month of 2006 the service has given job to 52% of 24319 applied people. 1238 job seekers were appointed for getting a higher qualification or new profession. 1625 seekers were proposed temporary societal job.

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