Friday, December 08, 2006


More than 300 workers piqueting Pskov region administration

More than 300 workers of "Pskovcabel" plant gathered at Pskov region administration building they request to protect their rights and justice, PIA reports.
Director of the plant Viktor Kukushkin also participates meeting.
Workers were shouting out "Kuznetsov come out!" (Kuznetsov is the surname of Pskov region governor), "Hands off the plant!", "Never let close the plant!", "Maximov come out!" (Maximov is the surname of Pskov region vice-governor). They were also holding banners "Putin help!", "Put Kuznetsov's gang to Court!", "No illegal actions!", "Protect the plant!", "No unemployment!", "Save our families of hunger!", "Put governor to jail!".
No power authorities' representative came out to meet workers. One worker tried to come into building to negotiate but police did not let him in. Decision about meeting against plant stop was supported by the majority of workers. On 7 December workers asked President Putin not to let close the plant. Their open letter was signed by more than 400 people. "We address to You with a great ask: help us to protect one of the best enterprises in Pskov region, stop this illegal actions, don't let them make us loosing our job", letter says. This letter was also sent to Duma Chairman Boris Grizlov, Federation Soviet Sergey Mironov, Government Chairman Mikhail Fradkov, Prosecutor General Ury Chaika and others.

See photos from the spot here -

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