Friday, December 08, 2006


Pest burial is paid by Danes

Project of pest burial in Palkino district was financed by Danes and Russians, as an official web-site of State Committee of Pskov region for licensing and natural resources usage says. Approximately 80 pest storages from all around Pskov region were gathered in Palkino district.

Utilisation works are now stopped until the resolution of state ecology expertise. On 9 November Pskov city court obliged regional administration to present all necessary documentation to Rostehnadzor.

First class pests such as Agronal and Granozan that are actually organic mercury compounds collected at Lesnoe village of Cherskaya volost. Usage of Granozan is prohibited in Russia more than 30 years ago because of high toxic. Other pests were not identified. According to instructions each preparation or chemical compound should had been put in separate container. On 27 December 2005 a fire happened at the burial. Specialists suggest 5 reasons of fire. One of them is chemical self ignition.

Experts suspect that there were not proper works done on degasation at the burial and surrounding area.

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