Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Pskov custom turnover exceeded 5 billion rubles

For 11 months of 2006 Pskov region custom offices transferred to federal budget 5 329 022 000 rubles. As press-secretary of Pskov custom Natalya Knyazeva told to PIA, plan is fulfilled for 106%, and it is the first time when 5 billion rate is exceeded.

15861000 of cargo units are passed through international custom terminals - that are more than 1392000 individial entrepreneurs and more than 764000 cargo vehicles. Amount of cargo trucks grew on 22% in comparison to the same period last year.

Custom border was crossed by more than 532000 freight cars and 287 planes.

International trade turnover for 11 months made up 1136085000 US dollars (on 88% more than the same period last year). Import is 451093000 $, export is 684092000 $, that are 219% and 172% of last year rates properly.

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