Monday, December 04, 2006


Pskov writers united

Pskov writers has disseminated among media their claim of uniting into Pskov regional writing organisation of Russia writers union. As it was told to PIA by Board member, this decision was made on 20 November. Before it there were 2 organisations - Pskov regional writing organisation and Association of Pskov writers. There are 36 professional writers are now in this artistic union lead by Igor Smolkin.

As writers think their unification will help to solve financial, social and creative problems. "Not only writers will benefit of it, but readers and all the regional culture in whole", was said in the organisation.

Literators' unions let better to keep best traditions collected in native literature and also "to give professional and tangible help to beginners, to solve moral and patriotic education issues that society and state need so much", sources in the Board said.

New organisation has plans to expand collaboration with power authorities, NGOs, to search new modern ways to communicate with readers, to spend creative hearings, literature holidays, to publish new books and to support artistic youth.

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