Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Reverence cross erected at the place where Nicholas II abdicated

Pskov, March 13, Interfax - Participants in the procession with the cross that has marched from Moscow through St. Petersburg to Pskov have installed on Tuesday a reverence cross at the Dno railway station near Pskov, where the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II abdicated from the throne in 1917.

There were many children among those who carried the cross. As the St. Andrew’s Flag Foundation has informed Interfax, some icons of the holy Czar Nicholas II carried by the procession exuded myrrh.

After the installation of the cross, the procession marched on to Pskov, where Archbishop Yevsevy of Pskov and Velikiye Luki led the clergy, monastic and the faithful in a thanksgiving said at the Chapel of the Royal Passion-Bearers.

The procession began and ended at the Church of Our Lady of Kazan at Kolomenskoye in Moscow where the Icon of Our Lady the Powerful had been found. On March 15, the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Our Lady of Kazan will be celebrated by Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia.

There will be a national procession with the cross to march from the Church-on-the-Blood in Yekaterinburg on Thursday. The Icon of Our Lady the Powerful will be taken to many churches and monasteries in the diocese and will be sent to Kursk in mid-April. In mid-June, on the eve of the commemoration day of the holy royal martyrs, the icon will be brought back to Yekaterinburg.

This year will mark the 90th anniversary of the emperor Nicholas II’s abdication and the 90th anniversary of the finding of the Icon of Our Lady the Powerful.

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