Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Former vice-speaker became a prosecutor

Former vice-speaker of Pskov region parlament Gennady Podznoev came into power of new position in Public prosecutor office of Pskov region. As he said to PIA, he occupies the post of General Prosecutor since 31 October. He assured that he knows his news duties very well because for 15 years he "was occupied with detective work".

99,9% of deputies voted positively for his choice of leaving the regional parlament. There was only one deputy Dmitry Matveev who said he was against it. "I thought everything over and made a decision to work in Prosecutor office", Podznoev said.

Regarding his duties before electorate he said "he worked well for 5 years." Only 2 months have left till the end of his duties. "Speaking truthfully I must say that my electorate says they never had such a deputy and will never have again", Poznoev told. And he noticed that if he had not got proposal for his new work he would have tried to be re-elected as a deputy for the next time.


Pskov region has got one more vice-governor

Pskov region has got one more vice-governor. As press-service of Pskov region administration reports to PIA, on 1 November the Chairman of Committee of investments and strategical development Alexey Saprikin becomes the vice-governor.

Alexey Saprikin becomes the vice-governor "up till the moment of new governor comes into power with a test period of 6 months", as official web-site reports. The governor of Pskov region Mikhail Kuznetsov signed the proper order on 27 October.

Before come into power governor Kuznetsov promissed in public to cut the quantity of authority staff. On the press-conference on 21 December, 2004 he said that administrative reform will consist of "considerable reduction of personnel" of power bodies. "The quantity of vice-governors will be 1,5 times less", he assured. He also said that this work will be hold during many months. Previous administration had 11 vice-governors. Saprikin has become the 9th vice-governor.

Monday, October 30, 2006


17 people died in Pskov of alcohol poisoning

The amount of died people of illegal alcohol reached 17, as Chief doctor of "Hygiene and epidemic centre of Pskov region" Sergey Nikiforov said to PIA. From the moment of beginning of "substitute epidemic" regional hospitals had got 487 calls for medical help, 427 of callers had been hospitalized. 320 patients are now being cured.

Suffered people's conditon is not getting better, since the moment of substitute drinking till doctor call from 2 days to 3 weeks could have had passed. Chief doctor also noticed that nowadays we have no a case of poisoning of drinks bought in legal shops. he also put an accent on that the toxic hepatitis is not contagious since it is not an infection.

Police reports that 1500 litres of illegal alcohol were seized on 27 October, 380 litres on 28 October, and 860 litres on 29 October.

On 20 October an emergency situtaion was claimed in Pskov city, later on the same was claimed for the whole region on 25 October. City and regional commisions were set up for stopping the alcohol poisoning.

First poisoned were registered in the beginning of September. Toxic hepatytis destroys the liver and then all the rest of body systems. It's almost uncurable. Even after crisis gone the follow ups leave for all lifetime. First poisoning symptoms appear in 10 days as hepatytis. Cure course lasts for 21 day and costs 20-25 thousand of rubles.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Emergency state is called due to mass alcohol poisoning

On 25 October security commission of Pskov region administration stated an emergency situation on the territory of Pskov region. As an assistant of the Head of Pskov region department of the Russian Emergency Minisitry Elena Samuilova told to PIA, this decision is made due to high alcohol poisoning cases growth that lead to 15 deaths and for citizens health sake.

An operational group for control and poisoning liqudation is set up. Special order is signed by the first vice-governor Igor Maksimov.

13 poisoning cases each in Pskov city and Opochka were registered last day. Toxic hepatytis diagnosed to 442 people already. From the beginning of "substitute epidemic" 15 people died, 9 of them in Pskov.

First poisoned were registered in the beginning of September. On 20 October an emergency situtaion was claimed in Pskov city. City and regional commisions are set up for stopping the alcohol poisoning. Toxic hepatytis destroys the liver and then all the rest of body systems. It's almost uncurable. Even after crisis gone the follow ups leave for all lifetime. First poisoning symptoms appear in 10 days as hepatytis. Cure course lasts for 21 day and costs 20-25 thousand of rubles.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Join operation of Belorussian and Pskov frontier guards revealed 4 tonns meat contraband

Pskov regional frontier office of FSB together with State Committee of frontier guards of Belarus spent operation "Barrier-2006" on the mutual border part. As major officer of public relation departnment Tatiana Goncharenko reported to PIA, 2 minibuses were detained that transported 4 tonns of meat for Pskov region citizens without custom clearance. Cargo is detained and passed to Polozk custom direction.

During the operation 157 patrols were placed, 3 of them included FSB officers, 23 included federal custom service officers and 2 included people militia.

Frontier guards spent demonstrative actions on border breakers at Pytalovo district - 4 intruders were caught and 8 breakers.

Monday, October 23, 2006


150 children from Pskov, Ostrov and Nevel will get hygienic sets from Red Cross

In course of "Youth is beautiful!" action Pskov regional department of Red Cross started to distribute hygienic stuff for disabled children. As the Head of the board Petr Vasilevsky told to PIA, during this week 150 children participating in the project "World of conversation and hope" of Pskov, Ostrov and Nevel will get hygienic sets.

The set costed 67 rubles contains child shampoo, tooth brush, toilet soap and bast whisp. Total summ will be more than 10 thousand rubles. The same help got 200 children from poor and not well families in Ostrov last week. The main task of this action is to let know children the healthy lifestyle and get them used to personla hygiene.

In terms of "World of conversation and hope" project elder children spend practical trainings for smaller children where they teach them how to care about their face skin, hands, legs and nails. Youths with help of adults created two booklets.

Petr Vasilevsky also told that every week in October thematical healthy lessons are spent where adults tell about day regime, child body cosistence and what the health is. For younger children thematical games are organised like "How beautiful is all around", "Prohibited - allowed" and others. Since May 36 health lessons are spent which 136 children participated in.


Ostrov researchers found remains of soviet soldier at Rozhanka

On Saturday, 21 October in Ostrov district of Pskov region researchers found the remains of a soldier perished during the WWII. As local lore museum director Petr Grinchuk told to PIA, the search team of 9 people made excavations at Rozhanka village that was an important point of german defense line "Panter". In his words 28 soldiers were found and buried till nowadays. The 29th soldier remains were found in a small row near german bunker. Only orthodox cross had kept of personal belongings.
As Petr Grinchuk noticed, Ostrov museum filled with new interesting exhibits after this research. "In a half fallen Hitler bunker was quite good german stove found which still had a box of matches inside. Dryer for mushrooms and other food was placed near as well. All exhibits will take their place in the one of the biggest expositions of North-West Russia - in Ostrov museum", museum director said.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


3 black belt will train three Saint-Petersburg aiki fighters

Pskov aiki fighters will spend educational and training seminar in Saint-Petersburg. As the Chairman of "Pskov Aikikai" club Dmitry Vinnik (black belt) said to PIA, he and two others black belt owners will spend 3 hour training.

Pskovites will show basic technic of modern aiki and bokken usage. No attestations and examinations are planned for this day. Vinnik told that Saint-Petersburg club "Sky" was founded a year ago and began to use the methodology of technical director of Aikiki club or Russia Yoji Fujimoto. Before it pskovites curated sportsmen from Tumen and Izhevsk.

Aikiki differs from other martial arts having no competitions, clearly stated defence character and training system that is suitable for people of every age, sex and phisical abilities.


Cops and ER keep on gathering yellow people


Police departments keep gathering calls about "yellow people" founded in Pskov city - those victims of illegal alcohol intoxication. On 19 October at 14:20 a message was got from Kommunalnaya street, 28. As PIA correspondent reports police patrol has called medical emergency immediately.

According to police reports every patrol car gathers 5 yellow man in a day on city streets. Some of them are sent right into hospital, and some pass through getting a sobriety procedures.


This citizen is taken the second time this same day, doctor said. He has probably escaped from hospital. While waiting patient was delirious, invited surrounded people to go to gather mushrooms and berries, crawling and collecting unexistent things on the ground.


Medical emergency service told that they get 7-8 "yellow people" every day. Specialists say that earlier they founded intoxicated people only in some district but nowadays they find them all around the Pskov city. Doctors said the toxic hepatitis is not contagious since it is not an infection.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


1000 trucks are waiting on Russian-Latvian border

About 1000 trucks can not pass the custom clearance at Terehovo control point on Russian-Latvian border. As "Custom computer service" web-site reports the queue lasts for 30 kilometres from Latvian side. As press-secretary of Sebezh district custom Alexandra Zaplatina says there were 1000 trucks still standing on the border at 15:00 on 18 October.

The traffic jam comes from of August 2006. The line tides bigger or smaller since that time. On the morning of 13 October there wer 516 trucks at Burachki control point, on 12 October there were 760 of them.


Pskov city deputies propose to set-up 100% rental tax rate for casinos

On 17 October deputies of Pskov city proposed to set-up 100% tax rate for land leasing where casinos, bet houses, kiosks and slot-machines are placed. Legislatives recommended to accept this initiative on the next city Duma session and then publish it to come into power, as it was reported to PIA at Duma press-service.

It's supposed that from 1 January 2007 land leasing payments in Pskov city will be done on the land cadastre estimation basis. It is shown in the proposal that till 1 March 2007 mass media will publish cadastre prices for all Pskov city territories as on condition of 1 January 2007 calculated by State cadastre land evaluation. City Duma specialists say that final payments with proposed tax rates will grow approx. 1,9 times.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Pskov region will take part in Russian north-west presentation in China

A presentation of regions of north-west Russia will be held on 18-21 October in China. Delegation lead by President's representative Ilya Klebanov consists of some governors, industrial enterprises directors, heads of scientific and tourist centres. Pskov region will be represented by vice-governor Viktor Gitin (who is the head of Pskov region representation office in Moscow) and Head of Economical development and property management department of Pskov region administration Vadim Petruhin.

During North-West region (NWR) days there will be an exposition shown, "Investment potential of NWR" economic phorum held and a business-conference "Forming the investment climate for chinese projects", meetings in ministries of China are planned as well. Russian delegation will visit techno-park, car factory, silk and pearl manufacturies. Moreover there will be introduction to the principles of free economic zone and certification system of China.

Monday, October 16, 2006


19 poachers are caught

19 poachers were caught during the weekend (14 and 15 October). As the Head of haunting inspection division of Rosselhoznadzor in Pskov region Sergey Ivanov reported to PIA, all breakers had no proper papers and licenses.

3 poachers were caught in Gdov district, 2 in Velikie Luki district, 1 in Nevel, 1 in Dno, 5 in Pushkinskie Gory, 4 in Pskov district and 3 in Opochka.

During the last 9 months inspectors investigated 635 haunting rules breaks. Most of them 266 were registered in Pskov district, 80 in Velikie Luki, 66 in Dno, 59 in Gdov, 39 in Nevel, 62 in Opochka and 63 in Pushkinskie Gory.

13 criminal cases were initiated. Breakers were imposed to fine of total summ 146400 rubles, 128600 rubles are already paid.


President Putin appointed new judge of Pskov city court

Viktor Murin is appointed a federal judge of Pskov city court. President of Russia Putin signed an order for Murin's 3 year appointment. Viktor Murin will come into service on 1 of November, as it was told to PIA in Staff and workflow office of Law Department Management of Pskov region.

Viktor Alexandrovich Murin was born 5 July 1963, graduated from Pskov pedagogical institute in 1987, and from Moscow state juridical academy in 1995.

Since 1987 till 1988 he teached in secondary school #26 in Novorzhev district. In 1988 he was appointed the second secretary and the head of propaganda division in Komsomol of Novorzhev district. Served in the Soviet Army from 1989 till 1990. In 1990 was hired as a juridical consultant and then as a head of juridical department of Pskov radio detail plant. Since 1994 till 1996 worked as a juridical consultant in "Northern trade bank", and next year - in "German" company.

Since 1997 till 2002 he was a member of Pskov region advocate league. Since March 2002 worked as a judge of Peace in Pskov city.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


745 chinese made toys seized in Pskov region

Sanitary department of Rospotrebnadzor (federal agency for customer care) has seized 745 toys made in China in different shops of Pskov regions. As the main specialist of the department Svetlana Ivanova said to PIA, chinese toys did not contain any data about producers and retailers. Moreover children stuff had have being sold without packages and instructions in Russian. And they did not comply with hygene normatives. 1579 examples were inspected in 347 trading points of Pskov region.

Ivanova noted that all domestically produced toys had all necessary cerftificates, sanitary clearings, usage instructions. Major producers of toys sold in Pskov region are "Vista" company, "Plastmaster", "Nord-plast" (Saint-Petersburg, Omsk), "ZET", "Kotovsky plastmass factory".

For breaking the rules of trading there were 48 fines imposed for total summ of 41800 rubles, 8 penalty warnings were issued and 2 statements on causing administrative violations removal made.


Pskov road police warned by growing amount of scooters on the roads

The amount of foreign made scooters has increased drastically on the roads of Pskov, as propaganda inspector of Pskov road police department Uliya Fedorova said to PIA. Although scooters are not considered as mechanical transport means and do not require driving license still they are complicated technics and driving skills are necessary and road rules knowledge as well. Not all parents really understand all the importance of buying such a technic to their children, inspector says.

As Fedorova said, not all scooter drivers know that driving alowed since 16 years old according to Russian road rules. It's prohibited to drive scooter with breaks or signal broken nor it is alowed to tug bikes and mopeds.

She reminded that there was an accident happened with a car and Suzuki scooter in summer 2006. Both drivers got body injures. Scooter was driven by 13 years old girl and her 12 years old friend.

32 accidents happened with children for 9 months of 2006 in Pskov - 35 children suffered. 19 children suffered as pedestrians, 3 as bikers, 1 was a scooter driver and 12 were just passengers.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Influenza epidemic expected in the end of December in Pskov

Influenza epidemic expected in the end of December or begining of January, as Chief doctor of "Hygiene and epidemic centre of Pskov region" Sergey Nikiforov said to PIA.

The first cases of influenza are already registered in Asia, he told. But only acute respiratory infections (ARI) cases are growing in Pskov now. 1368 citizens of Pskov (976 of them are children) were diagnosed ARI last week. 242 children are under 2 years old, 425 children are 3 to 6 years old, 309 children are 7 to 14, the rest 392 are older 15.

Growing number of ARI is nothing special and quite usual for an autumn begining, Sergey Nikiforov noticed. He reminded that citizens should pass through vaccination against influenza. Nikiforov recommended to use medication called "Grippol". The vaccination should be finished a month before epidemic start growing fast. All wishing to be vaccinated can make it in polyclinics of Pskov region, the medication can be bought in drug-stores.

Let us remind that this year anti-influenza vaccination is planned to cover 15% of Pskov region population. Medical staff, primary school children, educational staff and those older 60 must be vaccinated obligatory.


Pskov region budget will increase on 2 milliards of rubles

Pskov region budget will increase on 2 milliards of rubles next year. It will consist 12 milliards of rubles in total consolidated, as a press-centre of Pskov region administration reported refering to the Head of Main State financial office Tatiana Barinova to PIA. As she said all works for budget setting are coming to final stage. All budget respondents applied and eveery request is checked by office specialists.

Some lines are not ready because there are no some control numbers for the region before second budget hearing in Duma. "As in previous years the budget will be balanced, it requires more clear structure and transparency", Barinova noted. Moreover Barinova says the budget project will be more easy to fulfil and more perspective from the point of view of development.

It was previously reported that consolidated budget for 2007 is expected to have no deficit. Revenues should grow of own incomes. Specialists foresee transportation tax payments to grow. But still it was noted that Pskov region would have stayed a dotated region.


Socio-economical situation in Pskov region is one of most problematic

"Socio-political situation in Pskov region is quite difficult and probably one of most problematic in North-West Russia", said to PIA Economics Doctor, leading scientific specialist of Regional problems institute of Russian Scientific Academy, director of transboundary researches centre of Saint-Petersburg State University Nikolay Mezhevich.

Deeply in details he analysed situations in all regions of North-West Russia. Murmansk region survives because of port and fleet, Republic of Karelia has forests and trades with Finlandia, big company of "Severstal" works in Vologda region, republic of Komi expolits oil, gas, forests, coal, they have paper production developed, Nenetsky autonomy is also rich in oil, and Saint-Petersburg has capital functions.

"Leningrad oblast made a big step while Serdukov governed they made big investments to come for example from USA, and it has a good geographical position. Novgorod region is also well located - Saint-Petersburg and Moscow are near. And they don't have natural resources as well as Pskov, but Novgorod region is the first in the list of amount of investments per capita in Russia. So called "Prusal model" works there. Prusak actively used the begining of 90s, he was like a younger brother of Luzhkov. He showed that they have developed infrustructure and don't have big political conflicts, then investments have come. Pskov region is last in this row", Nikolay Mezhevich said.

Commenting the reasons he said, "it's an influence of relations with Estonia and Latvia, they are difficult. Forest industry is developing, Estonia is interested but it makes harder because of inter-state relations. Pskov region has no foreign investments, but there is a possibility for building big enterprises. Any big enterprise requires lands, and this is what Pskov region has. And roads connecting Russia and West should play a positive role too".

As Nikolay Mezhevich thinks it must be governor and his team who should attract investments, "Almost 30% depends on the character of governor's personality and almost the same share depends on how he and his team work for regional positive investment image".

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


More than 60 children passed to patronage families of Pskov region

61 children from boarding schools (internats) are passed to patronage families of Pskov region. On 10 October there are 43 contracts for education and 6 for social care signed, a consultant of Pskov region State educational office Valentina Ovechkina said to PIA.

52 internate children and 9 orphanage pupils are already passed to patronage families now. Moreover 11 proposals are in progress for approval.

The most active work is done by school-orphanage of Velikie Luki, Valentina Ovechkina said. This organisation made up 10 contracts for 14 children already.


Professional boxer Valery Brudov from Pskov will spend qualification fight in Saint-Petersburg

Pskov professional boxer Valery Brudov will spend a fight in casino "Gigant-Hall" in Saint-Petersburg on 12 October. This will be a qualification 8 round fight, he said to PIA. Valery does not know the name of his opponent yet. But as official site of Russian professional boxing federation reports Valery will fight with Ali Ismailov.

Pskov boxer said that he had been preparing for this fight in Pskov, Saint-Petersburg and Urupinsk (Volgograd region). "We were very welcome in Urupinsk. There was a hang made outdoor and under it was a ring organised. There was a good weather and we were training in a fresh air almost under clear sky", sportsmen said. One more Pskov boxer was training in Urupinsk, he said - it was Andrey Bogdanov.

Pskov native boxer Brudov has 31 victories (23 of them are knock-outs) and 1 defeat. He lost a fight for WBA version of World Champion with Virgil Hill on 27 January in Atlantic city (USA). The difference in score points was minimal -118:110.

Valery Brudov fights in weight of 90,72 kg. Last fight he won on 15 July in Cannes (France) that lasted 8 rounds with Alexey Kosobokov from Latvia.


Pskov "Optimists" open joint project "Friendship: Estonia, Latvia, Pskov"

Sport club fo disabled people "Optimist" will go to Latvia and Estonia for opening a joint project called "Friendship: Estonia, Latvia, Pskov". The opening will happen on 27 October as a sport festival, as club director Galina Sorokina said to PIA. Sports and cultural programmes are included. "It's mainly not for sports but to let people meet and conversate", she said.

16 people will represent Pskov region ib Baltic states. Best young sportsmen among them. Participants will compete in darts, basket ball throwing, ping-pong and ball hitting. "We also proposed to find the best one in arm wrestling", Sorokina told. Disco party, restaurant dinner and excursions are organised as well.

Let us remind that there will be chess championate held among disabled people of Pskov on 23-26 of October. "Optimist" members will take part in this also. The winner will be chosen of 40 participants.

Friday, October 06, 2006


"Central market" and "Slavonic bazaar" directors claim they support farmers

In the harvesting period directors of Pskov city market places face to farmers but do not forget about commercial interest. As the director of "Central market" Alexander Alexeev told to PIA there are special trading places all year long provided for farmers, but not for free as it is recommended by a Consumption and services committee. A special discount is made that makes farmers pay only 20-30 rubles a day for the place that "is quite acceptable for middle size farms" Alexeev said.

Almost the same situation is at "Slavonic bazaar". Director of this enterprise told that "payment fees for trading places for farmers are made small, such places are proposed only during the harvesting period unlike of "Central market" where they provide places during all the year. But if a farmer proves that he is an original producer then he gets place for free. It's often detected on quantity of products by gutts feeling", director said. He says that it's not a problem to sell local farmer products in Pskov region. "We are not Moscow" Mr. Zhukov argues.

Let us remind that all market places of Pskov city had got recommedation letters on 11 August asking to provide not less than 15 trade places for free for farmers due to harvesting on period from 15 August till 1 November 2006. Such letters are sent annualy.

On 6 October Mr. President Putin requested governors to make special arrangements for trade improvements on the markets in order to protect interests of russian producers and russian cictizens. "There is only one word to describe the situation on the markets sometimes - chaos", Putin said.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


5 bank robbers brought to court in Pskov

A criminal case of 5 citizens of Pskov city who accused of credit fraud was passed for court hearing on 5th of October. As city prosecution authorities said to PIA whose accused had got 44 illegal credits for buying a mobile phones. All credits were issued by "Russian standart" bank that suffered 34267 USD in total.

Illegal actions were managed by 3 sellers of a shop located on Rizhsky avenue in Pskov. 2 others were looking for people who agreed to apply for the credit in the bank for a small payment. All 44 facts were detected since March till end of 2005.

All sellers prosecuted of fraud with using official authority and going to be imprisoned up till 6 years for every crime action, 2 others - up for 5 years.


No Georgian citizen was departured from Pskov region

No Georgian citizen was departured from Pskov region at the moment. As regional migration service reported to PIA there are 28 Georgian citizens registered in Pskov region.

12 georgians have a short-term right for living in Pskov region. 4 more requests were considered in 2006. 7 other Georgian citizens have residence permit to live on the territory of Pskov region. No work permissions were issued this year for georgians.

Citizens of Georgia are now being deportated from Moscow due to international relations tension between Georgia and Russia. Moscow office of federal migration service has officialy confirmed the fact of 13 georgians departure from Eastern district of Moscow.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Regional power bodies will help Russians to immigrate

Working group has spent first hearing on preparing a Pskov regional programme for Russians who live abroad and want to immigrate to Pskov region. As press-service of Pskov region administration reported to PIA, the participants of working group have discussed a normative basis of the programme and a list of necessary actions.

It's decided to develop and elaborate some aspects like settling, job placement, accomodation, health and social care, safety. During the programme development there consultation board and cross-department commission will be set up.

On 1st of November the programme supposed to be presented to Pskov region governor and on 1st of January 2007 it will be passed to Russian Government. This programme developed due to President order "On measurements on help for goodwill immigration into Russian Federation for Russians living abroad".


250 litres of illegal alcohol had been seized

From 29 September till 2 October 2006 Pskov region police has seized 250 litres of illegal alcohol and found 18 crimes related to illegal alcohol turnover. All the alcohol containg liquids are to pass an expertise, was told to PIA reporter.

At the same time 5 crimes of "Producing or selling, executing or servicing of inprorer security goods and services" were found in Pskov city. And investigation is now in progress.

1,692 illegal actions "on illegal bying, keeping and selling alcohol containing products" are suppressed on local law basis. 22 requests are sent to license bodies and 12 are satisfied. 270 citizens of Pskov region have broken the law mentioned.

For 9 months of 2006 there were 137 crimes found and 823000 rubles were imposed a penalty and paid, 94 crimes were found and 590000 rubles were recovered last year for the same period of time.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Massive illegal alcohol poisoning in Pskov

Massive poisoning in Pskov city was caused by illegal alcohol manufacturing. As a city hospital authorities said to PIA, poisoned citizens requesting for help everyday. "Therapy wards are overcrowded, even corridors are full of people" they say. 2 persons are being reanimated at the moment. As doctors say one of them will probably die, the second is getting better.

It's said that Pskovites are poisoned of hepatotoxical substance. It atacks liver and then all other systems of a body. Death is following as a result or a man inherits many complications. "Most of pisoned people are heavy drinkers" specialists say.

The reason of mass poisoning is illegal alcohol that bought from private manufacturers. "They often use methyl that is extremely dangerous for living. But even with ethyl spirit poisoning is available since it contains many chemical substances. Our laboratory can not even determine them all" doctors reported.


All schools will be financed per capita before end of the year

Before the end of 2006 all schools will turn to another system of financing - normative per capita. New system supposed to get rid off mutual tariff and expected to rely on a quantity of pupils in the school. As a Minister of Education Andrey Fursenko said on his press-conference on 2nd October "Nowadays one of a tasks of modern education is to budget schools on per capita principle, i.e. the more pupils are in the school the more money should be given for development of this educational body".

New budgeting scheme is a big problem because there are so many incomplete secondary schools that will be self liquidated going new way, the reporter of PIA was said in Pskov Education University. "Let's take a good country-side family with a school age child. If a local school will be closed parents will not want their child to pass a long way to a bigger distant school, irregular eating and other difficulties - the family will move to a bigger living places. This will result villages to die" University authorities say.

On the other hand rural area schools have a lot of low rate professional teachers who are made working with a small amount of pupils and have to teach many disciplines at the same time. And the study process is getting complicated because teachers have to run their own household plots and cattle. Dying schools will "bring to grave" this negative factors.

Some schools with 1-2 pupils were already closed in Pskov region in 2005, and 50 educational bodies were restructurised. Secondary schools turned to main, then main turned to primary and primary schools merged with kinder-gardens. Secondary bodies starve of 30-40% lack of budgeting now in Russia as to normatives.

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