Thursday, November 30, 2006


70 Pskov families expected to improve their accomodation conditions

It is planned that 60-70 families will change their ramshackle accomodation for new falts in Pskov in 2007. As an advisor of Pskov city mayor Eugeny Samuilov told PIA, the municipality actively discuss this problem with building investors.

Eugeny Samuilov told that in every case future usage of old houses is discussed and all variants from complete destroy to re-construction. This work is done to avoid architecturaly improper houses and shops to be built in historical centre of the city.

4 contracts are already signed with investors for now, 9 more are coming up.

"City suffers of ramshackle houses crowded in the centre for long years. We resettle 20-25 families every year. This year it was mayor initiative to solve the problem with the help of investors. We have positive results so far", Samuilov noted.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Massive migration from Pskov region is observed

As state statistic says the massive migration out of Pskov region is observed in 2006. In 2005 first for many years amount of outcoming inhabitants became bigger than those who came in. In 2000 incoming migration counted 899 people, in 2002 - 641 people, in 2003 - 1088 people. In 2004 this amount decreased to 74 people. In 2005 Pskov region lost 642 inhabitants.

This was the first time also in 2005 when decrease was monitored in Pskov city. Quantity of citizens decreased on 1515. The difference between incoming and outcoming in 2004 was positive and was equal to 534 people, in 2003 there were less of them - 116, and in 2000 migration income made 514 new citizens.

Natural population decreasing also influenced. A share of 24,5 people dead comprised for every 1000 of living poplulation in 2005, and only 8,8 were born for every 1000. In 2003 the natural growth comprised 9 people, in 2004 - only 9,1. As for 1 January 2006 constant living population counted 724600 people in Pskov region, 237900 of them were from rural areas.


Money for minicipal share of "Pskov bread company" sale gone for current city needs

All the money got for municipal share of "Pskov bread company" were spent for "current city needs", as the Head of the Committee for municipal property management Viktor Antipov said. As PIA reports stocks of "Pskov bread company" are now in the registration process.

In words of Viktor Antipov, new owner visited company twice and "although the management and workers feel suspicious he has no fear and doubts about future profiling change".

Antipov underlined that municipality has no task, no power to check the investor to whom the share was sold. "Our task is to sell the share with maximum profit and implement it with use. For the rest we have police and executive services, financial investigation service, FSB economical department, etc.", Jemal Malishev said, the Chairman of administrative and law committee.

On 16 November the municipality of Pskov city made a public offer for buying its share 49% of "Pskov bread company" for 30600000 rubles. Moscow company PrestigeInform, LLC bought it. The initital offer put on auction earlier was 50 millions rubles.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Lyre poetry club will meet to the Guns'n'Roses

On 26 November poetry club Lyre will spend a creative meeting "November rain. Debutes. Premieres." in the Central city library. As it was told to PIA by Tatyana Lihomanova the name of meeting connected not only with the season but also with a name of Guns'n'Roses song "November rain" that will be played at the meeting.

Pskov members of the club Nikolay Libikov, Alexey Maslov, Ilya Semin and Gennay Moiseenko will read their unpublished verses - this is what the second part of meeting's name comes from. These November readings Lyre spends annualy. Young pskovites can participate in them as well as old members.

Pskov poetry club Lyre exists for 30 years and has 30-40 members. Collection of Lyre verses is published in Pskov.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Pskov and Pskov district starts recycling

A rubbish recycling complex opened in Kotovo vilage in Pskov district, as it was reported to PIA a factory was set up on the base of Spetstranskom, LLC. Capability of the factory is 80 thousand tonns per annum, that is approximately equal to amount of rubbish gathered in Pskov city and Pskov district. Pskov region produces approx. 200 thousand tonns of rubbish per annum. As specialists say the factory will allow almost 30% of wastes will be recycled.

Next stage is building a waste burial ground which should become technologicaly and ecologicaly perfect. Works on location research are in progress now.


267 Pskov region enterprises can be limited in electric energy consuption this winter

A list of 267 enterprises in Pskov region is comprised which can be limited in electric energy consumption in the case of energy deficit, as director general of 'Pskovenergo' Alexander Timofeev told to PIA at the press-conference devoted to winter period. Limitation can come into power by a command of system operator in case of power low.

Timofeev said that schedules of limitations are agreed with vice-governor Maximov and they 'do not mean full break of electricity supply'. They are also agreed with technological cycles of factories. Timofeev reminded that limitations took place in 1991-92 while having problems with fuel supply, but "there are no such problems now".

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Electric energy tariffs will grow not more than 8-9% in 2007

Pskov region State committee for tariffs will set up tariffs for electric energy that will grow not more than 8-9%. As PIA reports, director general of 'Pskovenergo' Alexander Timofeev told this at press-conference devoted to winter period preparation. In his words this grow based on top limited price and could not be set up higher.

Timofeev noted that tariffs should include expenditures for equipment modernisation because its prices grow faster than inflation rate. Another problem is electric networks belonging to enterprises that stopped working.


Pskov region imprisoned stopped educating

Pskov region Offisce of Prosecutor checked penitentiary bodies for education possibilities of imprisoned. As it was told to PIA it was found out that Pskov and Velikie Luki isolators and a colony in Velikie Luki had no education programmes in practice since the beginning of study year, i.e. 1 September.

Prosecutors told that some colony schools were passed to Pskov and Sebezh district administrations and some consultant points were set up in two colonies. They should had had been financed by municipal budgets of districts and money for this goal had to come from regional budget but that had not happened. So study process was broken. Compulsory education is intended to be be given to 112 youth imprisoned.

Regional prosecution office addressed a note to governor and regional parliament wuth proposal to improve the situation immediately.

Monday, November 20, 2006


19 more poisoned after weekend

During 18-19 November 19 persons got into hospitals of Pskov region, as it was told to PAI by the Chief doctor of "Hygiene and epidemic centre of Pskov region" Sergey Nikiforov. All patients refered for illegal alcohol poisoning.

469 patients are now on constant therapy in hospitals for the same reason. Yet another 3 pskovites died of toxic hapetitis. Total amount of victims reached 35 people.

Alcohol poisoning cases are registered all arounf Russia now. In Kirov region 572 people were hospitalised, 36 died. In Irkutsk region 2315 people poisoned and 79 died.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Ekaterina Noskova became "Miss Pskov 2006"

22 year old Ekaterina Noskova won the Pskov city beauty contest, as PIA reporter informs. He was gifted with a journey to Prague. Eleonora Razumova won the title of "1st vice-miss" and "Public honour" and was gifted with TVset. Yana Kashoora won the 3rd place with the title of "2nd vice-miss" and got a music hi-fi system.

Final show tool place on 17 November in the Giant Hall "Parohod" in Pskov city.
Show began with collective dancing. After that participants had to present themselves in distinctive way. They read verses, told stories, etc.
Another section included fitness with yoga, aerobics and latino elements. After group show each participant executed solo programme of sport elements finished with bikini demonstration.

The board consisted of 5 members had to knock out 10 girls but did only 9 so half-final had 11 pskovites. The last stage contained artistic competition. In most cases there were dancing or singing. One of the girls demonstrated artistic striptease programme and unveiled till shorts and top.
The board allocated 11 nominations and one more title was put in - "Pskov hope" - got by youngest participants. Nataliya Balaban became the Most Charmy girl. Ksenia Egorova became Niss Elegance. Olesya Utko bacame "Miss Enchantment - 2006". Maria Sopina demonstrated her grace. Ekaterina Davidova became super model of the evening.

All girls got special prizes like cosmetic and lingerie vouchers, digital photo camera, mp3 player and DVD-player.

All photos you can see here -

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Citizens of Ostrov district look infringing movies and listen to illegal music

Almost no one seller in Ostrov district has documents approving the genuinity of video and audio disks. As the Head of economic crime department of Ostrov district police office Zubaty told to PIA, it was found out during the last check for counterfeit goods.

More than 700 DVDs and CDs were seized duting the operation with movies, games, music and software. 8 protocols were set-up on copyrights break and 2 cases were passed to the court.


Pskov youth whiped estonians on the border

On 16 November activists of youth "First border" movement spent an action of protest on the Russian-Estonian border (near Kunichina Gora custom control point) against discussion in estonian parliament the initiative of destroying monuments to soviet WWII soldiers. As the Chairman of the movement Sergey Anisimov told to PIA, during the show estonians with national flag coloured faces attacked an extemporaneous soviet soldier's monument with battering ram. Movement members protected it and whiped intruders for their attempt.

About 100 youths gathered for the action and voted against the estonian law on soviet soldiers monument destroy. They came forward under Russian flags, movement flags and a banner with words "We are heirs of a Great Victory" shouting out sloganes "Soviet soldier did not perish for SS veteran feast on his bones!" and "We will not forget how you sold the memory and deeds of our country!".

Inscription on the banner: We are heirs of a Great Victory!

While action took place activists glued pictures of Soviet soldier monument in Tallinn on estonian cars, with words "Memory is sacred!". Meeting ended up with singing "The Holy war" song. Russian and estonian frontier guards were observing all the show.

"We want people in Russia and Estonia to think on what is going on", Anisimov said. He called this law blasphemous.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I will work it out for 100% with Pineda, Pskov boxer Brudov says

"In a fight with Luis Andres Pineda for world championship I will work out for 100%", told Pskov professional boxer Valery Brudov to PIA. "I am very glad that I have an opportunity again to fight for championship title, and this time I will try to do more than before", boxer said.

Pskovit is in Paris now and trains for 10 days already. "Upon arrrival to France the same evening I was brought to gym. Preparation for this fight organised better in general than the one with Virgil Hill. When I could not go abroad and I trained in Saint-Petersburg getting to the gym by tram. Now I have all good conditions meal, living, training. Everything is made so not to divert me from training", Brudov told.

He has not seen his opponent Luis Andres Pineda yet. He plans to see some video records of his fights to explore his weaknesses.

WBA championship will spend on 2 December in Paris. Brudov lost last fight for WBA version of World Champion with Virgil Hill on 27 January in Atlantic city (USA). The difference in score points was minimal -118:110.

Pskov native boxer Brudov has 32 victories (23 of them are knock-outs) and 1 defeat. Valery Brudov fights in weight of 90,72 kg.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Pskov Duma proposed to low tax rate for children goods trade

Budget and tax committee of Pskov city Duma supported an introduction of correcting coefficient of basic revenue, accounting a range of goods, as it was reported in press-service of Duma. It was specialy introduced for children goods.

There have been a lot of requests to define this type of trade and make more favourable conditions for it, but toys is not included in the list. The Chairman of the committee Viktor Tolstykh told that amendments based on Novgorod experience where they having been apllied already for some years.

The volume of imputed tax for some types of trade in 2006 Pskov city budget comprises 15,1% of total income. Pskov gets 90% of this tax gathered in city.

The proposal will be passed to next Duma session for approval.


Chinese paratroopers visited Pskov's 76th airborne division

Delegation of 6 officers and 1 general of China army 15th airborne corps arrived to Pskov city on 14 November. As information procurement assistant of Commander of 76th airborne division Ruslan Kompanets told to PIA, the main goal of chinese delegation is to become known with combat training of Pskov airbornes. On 14 November visitors honoured airbornes of 6th company perished at Argun gorge (Chechnya) on 1 March 2000.

The delegation visited museum of Cherekha regiment, learning centre and mess-room. As Kompanets said, during the meeting chinese officers estimated very high the deed of 6th company, noting that "it is the real history that all coming generations should know". Guests have also expressed a special gratefulness to Commander for a warm greeting and told that they have something to learn from 76th division.

Today they have visited Pechory monastery and met superior Tikhon. On 15 November chinese general and officers will attend combat excercises. Kompanets also added that it was the first visit of chinese airbornes to Pskov. Before it they met during mutual excercises in China in 2005.

Monday, November 13, 2006


New law on public meetings is an attempt to suppress dissidents, trade-unions say

"It's no good for the present region administration with governor Mikhail Kuznetsov when opposition demonstrates their disagreement with official policy. New law is nothing but an attempt to suppress dissidents", claimed in his interview to PIA the vice-chairman of Pskov region trade union soviet Viktor Ivanov. In his commentary to the new law on "Order of notification about public meeting in Pskov region" passed on 62nd session of regional parliament he pointed that this law breakes paragraph 31 of Russian constitution.

"There is literally 3 lines about citizens are allowed to gather without any limitations. But notification procedure blocks this constitutional right", Ivanov added. He also said that he was against "throwing in the notorious law" into parliament on 10th November, but deputies did not support his initiative to exclude this law from discussion. As Ivanov thinks regional administration demonstrated "ugly methods of bringing law to primitive condition".

He also said the trade unions will delegate their jurist representative to working group. Viktor Ivanov himself is going to participate in committee of conference work with his advisory vote. "Hope that sensible forces will influence on result of passing in second reading. But it is truly noted that amendments table is a profanation. Everyone knows who owns the majority in parliament. It's enough to remember last session, what happened in the break. Say it straight it was a disgusting picture. To play such show at the end of election period! Unsolid!", he ended.

This law was initiated by Pskov region administration and passed to Pskov region parliament during October session. The project bred an active discussion and was rejected. On the next session on 10 November this law missed 1 vote to pass. But after the break deputy Andrey Bukin asked to discuss it again. Revoting was succesfull and the law was approved.


Pskovites won some first places in world fitness championship

Sportsman from Pskov city took some first places in the World fitness championship (World Fitness Federation version) hold on 10-12 November in Tver. As the President of Pskov regional athletic federation Igro Tsvetkov told to PIA, Yana Trefilova from the "POWER" sport club took 1st place among juniors and Rostislav Tsvetkov became 1st among juniors and 4th among males.

Two pskovites Vladimir Fedyahin and Anastasiya Anisimova were not included into Russian team for this competition but also participated. Anisimova became 3rd among juniors.

Last weekend athletes from Russia, Ukraine, Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Chech republic, Slovenia, Italy, Argentina, Uruguay, Poland, USA, Croatia and Serbia gathered in Tver. Russia was represented by Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Penza, Tver, Voronezh, Pskov. 72 man and 108 woman participated in 10 male, 12 female and 2 bisexual categories.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Pskov porn maker convicted for 1 year in prison

29 year old Pskov citizen comdemned to 1 year of prison and put a fine of 50.000 rubles for ditributing porn over Internet. As it was told to PIA in Prosecution Office of Pskov city pornmaker was found guilty for breaking paragraphs 242 (illegal porn production with aim to distribute and advertising) and 174 of Russian criminal code ("money washing"). But the court stated this as suspended sentence with probation period of 6 months.

It was also told in Prosecution Office that there were seized by court's decision 5 computers, 5 web-cameras, 2 video cameras, 7 electric lightings and 2 LCD. There were also confiscated all the money earned by this home made porn production, wash machine, furniture and microwave oven. Confiscated dildos, erotic dresses and 11 CDs with video will be destroyed.

As reported earlier porn studio was located in a rented apartments on Bastionnaya street in Pskov city since 2005 till February, 2006. Student girls were participating in video making. And the convicted broadcasted sexual acts over Internet. Web-site had a paid access. Most of users were foreigners and used the service abroad Russia. Porn maker managed to earn more than 1,5 million of rubles.


"Miss Pskov 2006" to become known on 17 November

Miss Pskov-2006 contest to be finished on 17 November, as it was told by art-director Nikolay Korolev to PIA. 20 girls will participate in final show.

For a moment girls are trained for dancing, actor playing, scene walk and proper talking. Fitness trainings and tan procedures are passed as well. Girls have alrady made a decision for their make-up, hair-cut and evening dresses.

They have already prepared their final show turns which they drill everyday. "Some of turns are banal, there is nothing to do with this, and some are primitively naive but have a charm", Korolev commented. He noticed that this year they have not just beautiful girls but versatile, "who clearly understand that it's not enough to have a good body to become Miss Pskov".

In spite of traditional nominations there will be some other presented. Viewers will define the best girl on their own, and sponsors - on their own. Moreover every sponsor company will choose its beauty. All in all 11 winners will be called.


New oil depot opened in Pskov city

The new oil depot was opened in Pskov city on 8 November. The depot was built by "Restavratsionnaya masterskaya" by request of "Pskovneftterminal". 25 other companies also participated in construction, as PIA reporter says. The depot was built in 15 months and costed 320 millions of rubles.

The red tape was cut by director of "Pskovneftterminal" Oleg Trubachev, the Chairman of Committee of investments and strategical development of Pskov region administration Alexey Saprikin and vice-mayor of Pskov city Vladimir Syrtsov. Constructors and founders were also invited.

Vladimir Syrtsov noted that only few sophisticated objects are now being constructed in Pskov region and greeted guests with new enterprise openning. One of constructors told that although depot looks very simple but it has a lot of engeneering underground built using modern technologies and with new equipment, he called it "an island of modern civilisation at Pskov city limit". Alexey Saprikin promised "some tax privileges" from Pskov region administration.


Olga bridge in Pskov became 95

On 11 of November 2006 Olga bridge in Pskov city became 95 years old, as press-service of Pskov administration reports to PIA.
For ages this place had ferry crossing. In 1463 when inruder threats became lighter pskovites decided to built a balk bridge across Velikaya river. The bridge was uncomfortable, had a poor design but remained untill 19 century. The bridge consisted of 3 balk rafts connected with each other and covered with solid planks. It was moved apart for 3 hours to pass ships and barges every night. For this strict rule Tuvalovich's pottery factory has burned in 1897 placed on the left bank of the river. The bridge was moved apart for the moment anf fire brigade had nothing to do but stay and watch the fire from the other river bank.

Since 1870 pskovites were asking government for more than 30 years to build a solid bridge and only in 1908 the order was signed and in three years (1911) the bridge was finished. Capital artists developed decorations for it and adornment towers in oriental style caused a lot of bad taste accusations but everything settled down later and citizens got used to them.
The present bridge was built in 1970. And it was exploded 3 times before in 1919, 1941 and 1944.


New forest code will give credentials to regional authorities

New forest code will give credentials to regional authorities for forest husbandry, usage, management and protection, as the main forester of Forest agency of Pskov region Mikhail Astafurov told to PIA.

As he says the new law passes forests to regional governmentals in order to improve forest management, because every region knows its problems better. There is big work to put new code in practice and reorganise the forestry according to new guidelines. In Pskov region the state office "Pskovprirodresurs" will join Forest agency. Astafurov thinks that Pskov forestry will benefeit from new code, but "time will show".

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Less ruins will be if historical objects would be privatised

Less ruins will be if historical monuments would be privatised
With probable moratorium cancel for historical and cultural objects privatisation there may be less ruins will left in Pskov city, vice-director of "Restavratsionnye masterskie" company Vladimir Morhov told to PIA. In his words state is responsible for historical objects now, and they can be restored only for government's money that are of deficit. Hense "as late the moratorium cancelled, as less objects will leave", he said.

On 7 November vice-minister of Culture and mass communication Andrey Busygin reported about "nearest" moratorium cancelation. He noticed that moratorium was set up by federal law which now should be amended. Amendment bill project is already developed and passed to Russian Duma.

Andrey Busygin marked that privatisation will not start untill supplementary acts will come into power describing what prices should be set up, how can they be set up, what conservation obligations should be beared by investor. Thousands of objects are included into highly valuable Code and "will not be privatised in any way for sure", vice-minister said.

Pskov city has 526 architectural historical objects registered, one of them belongs to highly valuble - Mirozhsky monastery.


Unemployment has raised in 9 districts of Pskov region

According to data gathered from beginning of 2006 to 1 November unemployment has rised in 9 districts of Pskov region. As the head of employment programmes and job market department of Federal employment service Tatiana Sharabura reported to PIA, the highest growth rate is observed in Gdov district (32%), Pechory district (26%) and Porhov (20%).

Totally 10156 unemployed people were registered by the service for 1 November that comprises 2,7% of economicaly active population (EAP) of Pskov region. The highest unemployment is monitored in Krasnogorodsk district (6,9% of EAP), Novorzhev district (6% of EAP) and Kunja (5,7% of EAP). The lowest rate is fixed in Pskov city (0,7% of EAP), Ostrov district (0,8%) and Dno district (1%).

For the beginning of November 3951 job vacancies were registered with 2,7 pretendants for every vacancy on average. Pitalovo district has 44 unemployed for one vacancy, Usvyaty district has 34 and Kunja district has 31.

For 10 month of 2006 the service has given job to 52% of 24319 applied people. 1238 job seekers were appointed for getting a higher qualification or new profession. 1625 seekers were proposed temporary societal job.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Almost 1 tonn of alcohol substitutes found in the garage

Almost 1 tonn of alcohol containig liquid was found in Pskov city in garage. As it was reported to PIA by a press-service of Pskov region police department this was found after research made by staff of Economical crimes department.
Garage owner Nikolay Vladimirovich Starostin, 38 year old was caught while loading his Toyota.
While searching on the place it was found almost 1 tonn of alcohol containing liquid, it was dozen in 5-litres canisters with "Anti-freeze" labels. A part of liquid had brown colour and also was dozen into bottles of different maufacturers and brands. Big amount of caps and counterfeit tax marks of old type were found as well. Among sustitute unregistered riffle was found.
Arrested is under interrogation for a moment in the Office of Public Prosecutor. His violation can be treated as paragraph 238 of Russian Criminal Codex (production, keeping, transportation or distribution of products breaking the safety rules). The penalty can reach imprisonment for 10 years.


Pskovites started to get married after 25 more often

Pskovites started to get married after 25 more often. As the Head deputy of civil record service of Pskov district Olga Dmitrieva told to PIA, mainly it were couples of 18-24 earlier, but now it's 25-34. "We observer a clear tendency that people get married in more mature age, seems like they making more conscious desision. But at the same time many couples who celebrate their 50 anniversary say that they got married literaly in some days after first meeting", Olga Dmitrieva noticed.

162 mariges were registered in October that is on 13 less than the month last year. 1709 couples married from the beggining of the year, last year it was 1616 couples for the 1 of November.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


20 alcohol poisoned people addressed to hospitals last day

20 alcohol poisoned people addressed to hospitals last day, as Chief doctor of "Hygiene and epidemic centre of Pskov region" Sergey Nikiforov said to PIA on the press-conference devoted to mass alcohol poisoning on 1 November. He also said that 336 patients are now being cured. 19 people have died for now.

Most of toxic hepatitis sufferers registered in Pskov city, Opochka, Krasnogorodsk, Bezhanitsy, Pskov and Pitalovo districts. 90% are unemployed and heavy drunkers, 5% are homeless and other 5% are wealthy citizens. Nikiforov also marked that fact, that "toxic hepatitis destroys liver, kidneys and lungs, this means that literally in some months these people will die".

He also noticed a heroic work of doctors and medical staff "who tries to save patients while they manage to find illegal alcohol in the hospital and get drunk again, stealing every thing around".


"PskovPassengerAutoTrans" fined for half a million rubles

Pskov region office of anti-monopolistic service of Russia found state owned eneterprise "PskovPassengerAutoTrans" breaking the anti-monopoly law. As it was reported to PIA by service, the enterprise was fined for a half a million rubles for breaking the 2nd paragraph of 18th article of "On competition and monopoly restriction on the product markets" federal law.

According to order of State property management committee of Pskov region administration "PskovPassengerAutoTrans" in December 2005 has got fixed assets prevoiusly belonged to independent juridical bodies from the different districts of Pskov region. The enterprise got more than 10% of fixed assets of Strugi Krasnye, Gdov, Pustoshka, Bezhanitsy and Dno district transport companies. And no preliminary anti-monopolistic service' agreement was received before it.

All companies mentioned above are included in the Registry of monopolistic companies of Pskov region. According to law "PskovPassengerAutoTrans" should had have got a preliminary agreement from anti-monopolistic service for getting assets.

The office of anti-monopolistic service also added that their fine can be appealed in court.

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